Wagger Forklift Attachments Indonesia


About Us

PT ALRITEK EQUIPINDO JAYA has been operated since 2019, our main line of business is support all kinds material Handling Equipments (Service/Rental Parts) and we are also supporting for Polyurethane finish good.

In  the beginning of September 2019, PT ALRITEK EQUIPINDO JAYA has been greatly successful to create a line business such as trading, suppliers and other. With 10 years experience, our staff of this company is well trained and highly experienced in the Material Handling and Polyurethane.

Our Vision

To be one of the highest company to help your Material Handling, Polyurethane finish good and parts solutions and will be the good partner with the strongest commitment to providing superior value to customer.

Our Commitment

After sales service is  the highest important priority, we will provide important service and part supply for our products, when we delivered our products to the customer automatically we have responsibility to prepare some fast moving parts, and all the materials will keep in our parts center.


Instagram : waggerattachments_indonesia

Facebook : Alritek Equipindo Jaya

Web : www.wagger.co.id

Email : mrkt@wagger-indonesia.com

WhatsApp : 08111935101 / 08119935101